Orders Over $15 Unlock Free Shipping

Orders Over $15 Unlock Free Shipping

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Orders over $15 unlock free shipping! Check out these collections:

We stand behind our products with our “Love it or it’s Free” Guarantee. Please let us know what we can do to correct anything you were not happy about with your purchase. Sometimes this is a shipping issue or damage to the product during handling that we can quickly work with you to make right. Please let us know any issues as soon as possible so we can do our best to earn your 5-star review!

For anyone for whom the product itself is just not the right fit, please take the following steps to receive a product refund.

  1. Complete this form: Love It or It’s Free Refund Form
    • Include your contact information, and mailing and email address
    • Include the Lot number from the Wild & Pure container, located on the bottom of the product.
  2. Download, scan or take a picture of your purchase receipt.
  3. Email the completed form and proof of purchase receipt to us at hello@wildandpure.com using the Subject: Love it or It’s Free Guarantee.

Terms and Conditions:

The WIld & Pure Love It or It’s Free Guarantee offer only applies to the purchase of ONE of the following product options:

  • One (1) 16 oz EcoBalance Cleanser refill up to a maximum refund price of $29.00, excluding sales tax
  • One (1) EcoBalance Cleanser 4 oz spray up to a maximum refund price of $12.99, excluding sales tax
  • One (1) EcoBalance Cleanser 1.7 oz foam up to a maximum refund price of $8.99, excluding sales tax
  • One (1) EcoBalance Cleanser 1 fl oz foam up to a maximum refund price of $5.99, excluding sales tax.
  • One (1) EcoBalance Cleanser Starter Kit up to a maximum refund price of $9.99, excluding sales tax.

Limit One (1) refund per household, person or address for the actual purchase price, including any coupons or discounts applied to this purchase. A refund check will be mailed to the name and address you provide in the amount of the purchase price reflected on the receipt provided. Please allow 6-8 weeks to receive a refund. No requests from clubs, groups or organizations will be accepted. Sales tax will not be included in your refund. Offer valid in USA only. This offer may not be published in any refund magazine, online or elsewhere, without written permission from Glyciome, LLC. Void where prohibited, taxed or otherwise restricted. Not responsible for late/lost/stolen/ delayed/unpostmarked/postage due/illegible/misdirected mail. Fraudulent submissions could result in federal prosecution under U.S. Mail Fraud statutes.

For additional questions on how to receive your refund, or for other questions, comments, or concerns, please contact hello@wildandpure.com